This is a view of part of the Rosa Garden with part of the Conservatory in the background. Can you guess what my kids were most impressed by in the Rose Garden? The lemon thyme between the stepping stones (which appears as a yellowish-green in the closer bed in this photo). Who'd a guessed?

What do you think of these hairy striped pods? Yeah, I dunno either. Whatever these weird things are, there were three colors of flower. The flowers are weird too. They look like they're upside-down, even when they're not. Here's what I mean:

I'm sure this crazy plant was labeled somewhere in the garden, but not where I found it. I'm sorry I can't tell y

Next up, a view just inside the Conservatory. This area was filled with "useful plants". The cocoa trees were in here; but let me tell you, the chocolate exhibit was nowhere we could find. And the picture on the website of the amazing purple and red cocoa pods- not here. Only the tiniest, ittiest-bittiest flowers on the cocoa tree trunks. They were so small I didn't bother taking a picture. And yes, the flowers and pods form directly on the trunk. Neat, huh?
I actually didn't take very many pictures inside the Conservatory. In the next shot, look for the giant bamboo. I love that! But dang, I just don't think I can find a spot for it here...

The next photo is from the "Jungle" area of the Conservatory. I was attempting to get a shot of a tall leaf frond in the background. But school groups kept walking across my view so I just snapped a shot and hoped for the best. Luck was not with me. I'm including this picture here mainly so I can complain about rude school children. Is that wrong of me?

At any rate, that's pretty much it for the botanic garden. Hopefully next time I'll be able to go through it more slowly. And if you get down there, send pictures!
I really like the pictures.the mixture of textures are really good.I must say nice blog.
those flowers are called love in the mist or nigella. usually pale blue, but now come in a range of colours. i love them, so delicate. catmint.
Thanks Sue! That's very kind of you.
Catmint, thanks so much for the i.d. The colors I saw were pale blue, pale rink, and white (red, white, and blue- natch!).
Ha ha ha--that was my old job you know--leading school tours of the Conservatory (in Ohio, not D.C.), so oh, please--complain about them all you want! Actually, I liked my old job very much, but I felt sorry for anyone who came to enjoy the peace and quiet of the place on a weekday between the hours of 9 and 1. 'Cause there was no peace or quiet to be found. Anywhere.
Great pics of the gardens. I love Conservatories.
Thanks for sharing these photos from the Conservatory..always fun to go on tours! I especially love those huge palm trees and lush greens around the water garden. I should visit there, probably not a bad drive from NJ.
Oh Meg, I had no idea your job at the Conservatory was leading schoolkids around. I have a new respect for you!
Lynn, You could probably take the train straight down from Jersey. I think the main station is right up there by the Capitol building, which is also where the Conservatory is.
Maggie, I think you have given us an idea for a weekend getaway. beautiful plants and surroundings. The plant at the bottom is unique. I almost looks like dread locks. too cool.
Take care and happy gardening.
I left you an award on my blog. If you are into such things pass it along.
The thing I like most about Nigella is its two opposite common names, "Love-in-a-mist" and "Devil-in-the-bush". A large grouping of the flowers in blue looks very pretty.
Interesting shots in the conservatory, especially the horizontal cactus.
Jungles always have groups of rambunctious monkeys roaming around, making lots of sound. :)
That is the coolest looking flower pod thingies! They remind me of those little velcro balls and mits I used to play with as a kid! I'd sure like to know if I can grow them down here!
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